Interior Design Maestro: Naii Vegas Merges Nature and Versatility Across Continents


Key Takeaways

  • Renowned for her nature-inspired designs using recycled materials, Naii Vegas crafts harmonious spaces resonating with nature’s beauty.
  • Beyond interiors, Vegas excels in product and set design, drawing creativity from various disciplines like architecture, fashion, and music.
  • Her enduring partnership with Selina in D.C. showcases her prowess in large-scale commercial projects and signifies mutual growth.
  • Despite being a nomad, Vegas finds professional and personal resonance in D.C., driven by its supportive community and rich cultural tapestry.

Naii Vegas, an avant-garde interior designer, has set her signature style in 10 countries worldwide.

Her designs resonate with the harmony of nature, repurposing existing materials and ingeniously weaving in raw, rustic elements. 

“My approach serves as a gateway to our natural world: a reconnection with the splendid spaces we’ve inadvertently distanced ourselves from,” said Vegas in an interview with District Fray Magazine.

Versatility in Creative Concepts

The interview noted that Vegas’ vast portfolio isn’t restricted to interior designs. It spans product creation and set design, showcasing her adaptability and flair in every sphere. 

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When asked about the secret sauce behind her consistent creativity, 

Vegas reveals, “I’m an avid observer who tracks evolving trends. I immerse myself in creative processes by scrutinizing architecture, fashion design, music and photography.”

According to her, conceptual frameworks bestow the backbone for her projects.

“Each element possesses intent, from graphics to furnishings, and spaces cocoon the essence of the concept,” she adds, per the interview.

A Dynamic Partnership with Selina D.C.

Having collaborated with Selina in D.C. as a designer for half a decade, Vegas cherishes the bond she shares with the company. 

“Selina has evolved into a steadfast ally, a company that nurtured my growth and fortified my prowess in high-scale commercial projects,” she mentions in the interview. 

The synergy she shares with Selina projects in places like Chicago and D.C. marks the zenith of her career.

Vegas foresees a future ripe with novel ventures and digital nomadic escapades with Selina.

Why D.C.? Naii’s Nomadic Heart Finds a Home

The interview noted that though a self-described nomad, Vegas holds a special place for D.C. in her heart.

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The city’s community, characterized by mutual support and professional advancement, has deeply resonated with her.

She confesses her love for D.C.’s educated, kind-hearted populace its captivating museums, art, and architecture. 

” I truly believe it’s the opportune moment to cultivate my community, and being rooted in D.C. has propelled my growth exponentially within the span of a year and a half,” she concluded the interview.

What We Think

Naii Vegas epitomizes a design visionary whose fusion of nature-inspired aesthetics with diverse creative dimensions has redefined interior design. Her allegiance to D.C. stems not only from its cultural richness but also from its nurturing atmosphere fostering her artistic growth.

This symbiotic relationship between her nomadic spirit and the city’s supportive community showcases how a sense of belonging amplifies creative evolution. Vegas embodies the synergy between a designer’s innate ingenuity and the vibrant canvas offered by a city, underscoring the profound impact of the environment on creative expression and professional fulfilment.

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Her narrative underscores the significance of anchoring creativity in a place that fuels growth and innovation.

Read more in the entire District Fray Magazine interview.


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