Best Digital Nomad Cities To Live And Work (Complete Overview)


Choosing the perfect location to live and work as a digital nomad can be daunting. With the rise of remote working during the pandemic, cities worldwide are transforming into digital nomad hotspots.

This informative article will serve as your comprehensive guide to help you choose among the best digital nomad cities based on critical factors such as cost of living, internet connectivity, local culture, safety, and more.

Fasten your seatbelts for an insightful ride through these global destinations that cater to your digital nomadic lifestyle!

Key Takeaways

  • Digital Nomads are people who work and live while traveling the world. They use technology to do their jobs from anywhere.
  • Good internet connection, affordable cost of living, safety, and culture are essential factors in picking a city for digital nomads.
  • Bali in Indonesia, La Fortuna in Costa Rica, and Berlin in Germany are top cities for digital nomads because they have good internet services, cheap living costs, safety measures, and rich cultures.
  • You can learn more about each city’s quality of life through reviews by other digital nomads or directly contacting local places like hotels or coworking spaces.

Understanding the Digital Nomad Lifestyle

Living and working while traveling the globe defines the digital nomad lifestyle. This group leverages technology to perform their jobs, often in programming, design, writing, or consulting industries.

They are remote workers with a twist – not tethered to one location but spread across fascinating cities worldwide. These online creatives enjoy an enviable work-life balance afforded by freedom of movement.

The rise of this lifestyle was significantly helped by the evolution of excellent internet connectivity and the affordable cost of living in many places worldwide. Digital nomads keep their belongings minimalistic, frequently choosing long-term traveler backpacks over suitcases for their journey.

Hostels and shared spaces become their homes while they integrate into local cultures yet remain connected with other nomads through coworking spaces and networking events.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Digital Nomad City

When choosing a city to live as a digital nomad, it’s essential to consider the cost of living, reliable internet connectivity, local culture, language proficiency, and safety and security measures in place.

Cost of living

Rent prices and daily expenses can make or break a digital nomad’s budget. Affordability is critical to maintaining this lifestyle for the long haul. For example, Bali, Indonesia, stands out as an excellent choice due to its low cost of living and high standard of living.

It’s not just about the affordable food and wine scene here; you’ll also find economical accommodation options that don’t compromise quality.

Your dollars stretch much further in some cities than others. La Fortuna, Costa Rica, is where internet coverage is reliable yet budget-friendly. If Europe tempts you more, turn your sights towards Belgrade, Serbia – another city teeming with stable internet connections and coworking spaces that won’t rob your wallet blind.

With reasonable rent prices and various attractions, it’s easy to see why digital nomads are flocking here.

Internet connectivity

Good internet connectivity is non-negotiable for digital nomads. High-speed Wi-Fi ensures uninterrupted work; access to 4G coverage while moving is also a key consideration.

Decent internet speed enables remote workers and online creatives to stay productive irrespective of location. Thus, exploring the digital nomad community’s reviews about local Wi-Fi speeds or reaching out directly to accommodations can provide valuable insights into a city’s internet infrastructure before making it your next destination.

Fiber internet service availability further enhances the appeal of a locale for modern nomadic lifestyles, offering seamless video calls, fast downloads, and effective collaboration on shared online platforms necessary for most remote jobs.

Local culture and Language

Local culture significantly enriches the overall experience of living and working remotely. It’s about immersing oneself, not just operating on the fringes.

From joining local festivals to understanding social norms, knowing regional customs enlivens your stay in any city. Language opens many opportunities to connect better with locals and navigate daily life smoothly.

Your language skills could influence your choice of destination, too; you might pick a Spanish-speaking city if you’re already fluent or wish to learn the language. Like an artist using a palette full of colors, digital nomads paint their experiences with hues borrowed from local culture and language.

Safety and Security

Safety and security should never be compromised, even when pursuing a digital nomad lifestyle. Digital Nomads often find themselves in unfamiliar territories, making it crucial to choose destinations with low crime rates where personal belongings are secure.

Comprehensive travel insurance can cover medical emergencies and lost or stolen items, but nothing beats preventative measures like thoroughly researching your chosen location’s safety conditions.

Governments worldwide have begun offering Remote Work Visas, giving digital nomads legal permission to stay and work while ensuring their security in the host country. Therefore, always prioritize locations that value visitor safety as much as you do.

Top Digital Nomad Cities in 2023

From the colorful, bustling streets of Mexico City to the peaceful tranquility of La Fortuna in Costa Rica and the ever-vibrant tech scene in Berlin, we dive into a global tour exploring 2023’s top cities for digital nomads offering unique cultures, affordable living, reliable connectivity, and welcoming communities.

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Mexico City, Mexico

low angle photo of temple
Photo by Filip Gielda

Mexico City, a top digital nomad city in 2023, attracts many with its rich culture and vibrant atmosphere. This bustling metropolis boasts a robust online infrastructure essential for remote work.

Traveling to and from Mexico is convenient due to its large international airport. Digital nomads also enjoy the affordable cost of living while immersing themselves in the city’s dynamic lifestyle.

Friendly neighborhoods offer ample coworking spaces, networking events, and an inclusive expat community perfect for establishing work-life balance abroad.

Chiang Mai, Thailand

shallow focus photo of Gautama Buddha statue
Photo by Peter Borter

Chiang Mai, Thailand, is a prominent global hub for digital nomads. The top Asian destination for global nomads has fast internet speeds and many coworking spaces make it an appealing destination for those embracing remote work.

Known for its affordability, Chiang Mai offers a decent living cost without compromising urban quality. This city’s thriving digital nomad community provides ample networking opportunities while the vibrant food scene and outdoor activities enrich the work-life balance.

The safety measures in place and ease of travel add to Chiang Mai’s appeal as an ideal locale for long-term travelers leading the nomadic lifestyle.

Lisbon, Portugal

yellow and white tram on road during daytime
Photo by Aayush Gupta

Lisbon, Portugal, is a top digital nomad city in 2023. Digital nomads flock to this sun-soaked city for its welcoming community and affordable cost of living. The city boasts fast internet speeds ideal for remote work and offers an array of coworking spaces that cater to the needs of online creatives and startup entrepreneurs.

The vibrant nightlife scene and plenty of outdoor activities ensure work/life balance, making Lisbon a bucket list destination for long-term travelers. Despite the urban living experience it presents, the locals’ English language proficiency adds comfort in adjusting to life in Lisbon.

Take advantage of Portugal’s Digital Nomad Visa program while relishing world-class street food or tasting exquisite wines after a day’s hard work at your chosen coworking space.

Berlin, Germany

city buildings near body of water during daytime
Photo by Florian Wehde

Berlin, Germany, stands out among digital nomad destinations due to its freelancer visa. This visa grants international remote workers the legal right to reside in Berlin while continuing their global careers.

The city efficiently supports mobile lifestyles with a rich infrastructure and easily accessible transportation systems.

No matter where you are from, Berlin offers an energetic cultural scene teeming with art and music events, making it easy for digital nomads to blend in and feel at home. Its vibrant expat community provides countless networking opportunities for those seeking collaboration or companionship on their nomadic journey.

Santiago, Chile

city buildings on green grass field during daytime
Photo by Francisco Kemeny

Santiago, Chile, has soared to the top of digital nomad destinations in 2023. The city offers high-speed internet connectivity and a variety of coworking spaces, creating an ideal environment for remote workers and online creatives.

With its awe-inspiring surrounding mountains and renowned urban living lifestyle, Santiago serves as both a transportation hub and a vibrant hub for individual entrepreneurs. Safety is prioritized here, providing peace of mind while you explore the local street food scene or take part in networking events.

Moreover, with affordable costs of living paired with impressive work-life balance opportunities, Santiago invites long-term travelers into its dynamic expat community.

Austin, USA

river near buildings during daytime
Photo by MJ Tangonan

Austin, USA, stands firmly on the top digital nomad cities list in 2023. It flaunts a vibrant startup culture and a thriving tech industry, making it an ideal haven for remote workers and online creatives.

The city bubbles with numerous events tailored specifically for digital nomads, offering unique networking opportunities. In addition to the entrepreneurial scene, Austin lures its audience with affordable living costs compared to other major cities.

There is no shortage of coworking spaces that foster creativity and productivity- critical components for the successful modern-day nomad.

Tbilisi, Georgia

city with high-rise buildings under orange skies
Photo by Neil Sengupta

Known as the digital nomad’s paradise, Tbilisi has emerged as a leading contender for those seeking a nomadic lifestyle. The city opens its arms to foreigners by offering visa-free entry to passport holders from many countries.

You will be enticed not only by Georgia’s rich culture and historical landmarks but also by its promising tech scene and entrepreneurial spirit. Gaining recognition on platforms such as Nomad List, this vibrant capital is applauded for its affordable cost of living, high-speed internet connectivity, and cozy coworking spaces.

Whether it’s the stunning views of the Greater Caucasus Mountains or the bustling nightlife in Old Town that draws you in, Tbilisi truly offers something for every digital nomad out there.

Bali, Indonesia

black building on gray rock hill
Photo by Harry Kessell

Digital nomads flock to Bali, Indonesia, for its sparkling beaches, diverse culture, and buzzing professional community. Placed among the top digital nomad cities in 2023, this tropical paradise offers a blend of work-life balance rare to find elsewhere.

Known for its hipster spots, university areas brimming with ideas, profound cultural attractions, and breathtaking tourist sights – it’s more than just a place to set up your laptop.

You’ll find it incredibly easy to work from Bali thanks to its visa-free entry policies for various passports. The place is known for its exceptional amenities and as an epicenter of networking among the nomadic tribe.

A collaboration here could lead you down exciting new paths in your digital career while you enjoy the laid-back island life at affordable costs!

Perth, Australia

city near body of water during daytime
Photo by Fadzai Saungweme

Perth, Australia, is creating a significant buzz in the digital nomad community. The city provides fast and reliable Wi-Fi connectivity, making it an ideal destination for online work, especially in its numerous cafes and coworking spaces.

But that’s not all! Perth also allows you to enjoy coastal activities while living comfortably, thanks to a decent cost of living. There are plenty of opportunities for networking with an ever-growing digital nomad scene, ensuring you’ll never feel isolated even when working remotely from across the globe.

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And if adventure calls your name, breathtaking natural landscapes surround Perth, waiting to be explored during downtime from work. Combined with these features, it isn’t hard to see why many consider Perth one of 2023’s top cities for digital nomads.

Rome, Italy

brown dome concrete building near bridge at daytime
Photo by Chris Czermak

Rome, Italy, has become one of 2023’s top destinations for digital nomads. With a robust internet infrastructure that ensures easy and fast connectivity, remote work in this iconic city is seamless.

Coworking spaces are plentiful here, offering a productive environment for shifting your office abroad. Beyond work, Rome offers an immersive lifestyle with its rich cultural heritage and countless attractions.

From classic Roman ruins to buzzing contemporary neighborhoods, the city radiates a vibrant atmosphere that blends tradition with modernity perfectly. The local cuisine is a world-renowned delight, while the affordability of living allows you to enjoy Rome without breaking the bank.

Hanoi, Vietnam

brown and white concrete building near green trees under white clouds during daytime
Photo by Anh Hoang

Hanoi, Vietnam, is on the radar of many digital nomads due to its stable, well-connected internet and affordable cost of living. The city buzzes with energy, offering a rich encounter with local culture through bustling markets, historic landmarks, and exquisite street food.

Hanoi’s coworking spaces also provide perfect environments for productivity and community engagement among remote workers.

Belgrade, Serbia

city buildings near body of water during daytime
Photo by Ljubomir Žarković

Belgrade, Serbia, stands out among the top digital nomad cities in 2023. The city has gained recognition for its reliable internet connectivity and plentiful coworking spaces, making it a favorable environment for remote work.

Offering a vibrant and dynamic atmosphere with a growing community of digital nomads, Belgrade has become an attractive hub for remote workers.

Known for its rich cultural heritage and diverse entertainment options, the city perfectly balances work and leisure, appealing to digital nomads worldwide. Its central location in Europe is an added advantage that turns Belgrade into an ideal base to explore other appealing regional destinations.

This unique blend of benefits makes living in Belgrade not just about work but also about adventure, exploration, and enjoyment of life’s diverse experiences.

La Fortuna, Costa Rica

man in black jacket walking on hanging bridge
Photo by J. Amill Santiago

La Fortuna, Costa Rica, earned its place on the top digital nomad cities list in 2023. The city boasts a reliable and fast internet speed essential for remote work. Digital nomads can enjoy an affordable cost of living, including expenses like food, transportation, entertainment, and comfortable accommodation choices.

It is also known for providing a safe and secure environment ideal for those working remotely. Besides offering excellent work conditions, La Fortuna also caters to the adventure-loving side of digital nomads with ample outdoor activities such as hiking or exploring the breathtaking Arenal Volcano National Park.

Dalat, Vietnam

a small village on a hill with houses on it
Photo by Lewis

Dalat, Vietnam, will be a top pick for digital nomads in 2023. Its cost-effective living suits those seeking an affordable destination yet offers the necessary facilities to continue remote work seamlessly.

The reliable Wi-Fi connectivity ensures smooth online operations, making it an ideal choice for individuals working from home. Dalat’s vibrant scene of extra-curricular activities is not just confined to work but fuels a healthy work-life balance and guards against burnout among professionals tied to their laptops.

Its picturesque natural landscapes make this city even more enticing by offering ample opportunities for outdoor recreational activities on off-work days.

Istanbul, Turkey

aerial view of buildings and flying birds
Photo by Anna Berdnik

With a favorable environment for digital nomads, Istanbul, Turkey, secures its spot among the top cities in 2023. It’s not just about historic sites or delicious food, but also the city’s pleasing criteria like cost of living, internet speed, safety measures, friendly weather, and quality air conditions that get everyone’s attention.

The city welcomes travelers with sure passports through visa-free entry options, making it an easygoing place for digital nomads. With positive reviews showered on Istanbul from the Nomad List community and mentions in notable media such as The New York Times and BBC, this vibrant metropolis truly stands out as a prime choice for today’s remote workers.

Tallinn, Estonia

a view of a city with mountains in the background
Photo by Hrant Khachatryan

Tallinn, Estonia, is a top choice for digital nomads in 2023. This medieval city boasts high-speed internet, and the cost of living is pretty decent compared to other European cities.

Tallinn offers an array of coworking spaces that are great hubs for networking events and connecting with the local expat community.

Moreover, Estonia leads the way in tech scene innovation, making it fertile ground for startups and individual entrepreneurs. Besides work, digital nomads can explore Tallinn’s rich history through its well-preserved Old Town or enjoy its vibrant nightlife.

The Nomad List community also speaks highly about Tallinn; many users categorized the city as exceptional due to available resources such as remote jobs and nomad insurance information on the website.

Penang, Malaysia

bird flying over city during daytime
Photo by Wan San Yip

Penang endears itself to digital nomads with an attractive cost of living and reliable internet speed, perfect for remote work. This Malaysian city offers a blend of urban conveniences and natural attractions.

Digital nomads can spend their off-work hours exploring the local street food scene or visiting famous cultural sites like George Town and Penang Hill. The vibrant expat community provides endless networking opportunities, while coworking spaces offer a productive work environment.

Plus, safety is not compromised, making it a haven for solo travelers and family-oriented nomads.

Buenos Aires, Argentina

aerial view of city under cloudy sky during daytime
Photo by Andrea Leopardi

Buenos Aires, Argentina, has been gaining a reputation as a top digital nomad city. The cost of living is comfortably low while the standard of life remains high. Apart from offering a conducive environment for work with its fast internet speeds, Buenos Aires presents various fun activities to engage in during downtime.

Safety here holds much importance and has been noted by global remote workers who call this city home. With its vibrant culture and thriving nightlife scene, Buenos Aires exemplifies the balance between work and play that every digital nomad seeks.

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Emerging Digital Nomad Cities

These cities may not yet be on every digital nomad’s radar, but they’re gaining popularity fast. Nassau in The Bahamas, Bridgetown in Barbados, and Dubai in the UAE offer unique opportunities for remote workers with their attractive climates, modern infrastructures, and recent initiatives to attract the global nomad workforce.

Nassau, The Bahamas

white boat on sea under blue sky during daytime
Photo by Renato Marzan

Emerging as a hub for digital nomads, Nassau in The Bahamas attracts with its white sandy beaches, vibrant culture, and tourist hotspots. This popular destination promises exquisite scenic beauty and offers various remote work opportunities.

With an active community of digital nomads present, newcomers can count on ample networking chances and mutual support.

Visa-free entry is available for many passports, making it hassle-free for prospective digital nomads to choose Nassau as their new base. Further sweetening the deal is the availability of versatile job options suited to various skill sets in the remote working domain.

Additionally, Nassau provides access to comprehensive nomad insurance arrangements, ensuring a secure livelihood for those opting for this lifestyle here.

Bridgetown, Barbados

a couple of boats that are sitting on the ground
Photo by Tom Jur

Bridgetown, Barbados, a Caribbean gem, is rapidly becoming a hotspot for digital nomads. Its beautiful beaches and laid-back lifestyle attract remote workers seeking a work-life balance in an idyllic setting.

Recently, the government launched the Barbados Welcome Stamp to attract global talents who can work remotely from this tropical paradise. Bridgetown offers stunning landscapes, reliable internet connectivity, and a decent cost of living – essentials for any digital nomad.

The Nomad List community gives high ratings to Bridgetown mainly because of its safety protocols and fun activities that one can indulge in after working hours.

Dubai, UAE

aerial photo of city highway surrounded by high-rise buildings
Photo by David Rodrigo

Dubai, UAE, marks its spot as an emerging hotspot for digital nomads. A city recognized globally for its impressive landmarks and tourist attractions, Dubai offers a vibrant lifestyle aligned with the needs of remote workers.

The city boasts advanced internet connectivity that ensures smooth online operations, which is pivotal for digital nomads in their line of work. Dubai takes safety seriously and consistently ranks among the safest cities worldwide.

The cost of living may be higher than other digital nomad destinations but is often offset by the high standard of living. An attractive aspect for many digital wanderers is Dubai’s visa-free entry policy applicable to various passports, which adds convenience and flexibility to their travel plans.

Throughout the year, there are variations in temperatures alongside humidity levels and UV index readings — vital knowledge when planning outdoor activities or commutes around town.

The Future of Digital Nomadism

Digital nomadism is gaining traction in unexpected corners of the world. In the coming years, anticipate a significant increase in digital nomads making their homes in Midwestern U.S cities like Kansas City, Cincinnati, and St.

Louis. These locations offer affordability, fast internet connectivity, and plenty of entertainment options, which are key attractions for this group.

New visa policies also play a crucial role in shaping the future trends of digital nomadism. More countries are offering digital nomad visas to attract remote workers from around the globe.

Such initiatives foster cultural exchange and contribute significantly to local economies by bringing in an estimated $787 million annually worldwide.

The rise of digital nomads continues to reshape how we perceive work-life integration and urban living dynamics while propelling us toward a more connected global community. As technological advancements continue unabated, the scope for innovation within this lifestyle choice expands, too – extending possibilities far beyond today’s norms.

The future looks promising for those who dare to break free from traditional employment setups and embrace the freedom of being a modern-day wanderer working across borders.


Choosing the best city for digital nomads can be a game-changer. Each destination offers unique experiences and advantages to fit various lifestyles and preferences. So, whether you prioritize affordability, robust internet connection, or rich culture, there’s always an ideal city awaiting your exploration.

Leap today and redefine your work-life balance as a successful digital nomad!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

According to Nomadic Matt and MBO partner’s research report, which are the top cities for digital nomads?

Nomadic Matt and MBO’s report lists several top digital nomad destinations, including popular spots in Latin America and worldwide.

What resources can help me as a digital nomad?

Resources such as Solo Female Travel tips, SafetyWing insurance, Hostelworld accommodation booking, and Skyscanner flight searches can significantly assist your digital nomad lifestyle.

Are there specific visas or permits for digital nomads?

Yes! Countries like Bali, Thailand, and Malta, among others, offer Digital Nomad Visa programs facilitating work privileges for relocating professionals.

Can a Digital Nomad live tax-free?

With careful offshore tax planning under schemes like Portugal’s Non-Habitual Tax Residency or Individual Entrepreneur Scheme, it’s possible to enjoy a significantly reduced tax or even Tax-Free Lifestyle!

How does the weather affect my choice of city to move to?

Considering factors like monsoon or hurricane season is vital before choosing your location since they may impact travel potential and outdoor activities.

Will COVID-19 limit my options as a digital nomad?

COVID-19 has brought new challenges and has led many countries to introduce special Visas targeting remote workers, thus expanding prospects for the future of Digital Nomads.


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